Friday, June 16, 2017

     The importance of using the Presentation Tools in the language classroom.

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When you listen the word "presentations" the first word that appear in your mind is the word: "Power Point", it is good but it is not only  the unique form to make a presentation; is sure, because there are other options that you can use to doing your presentation. 

If your studies or work is so necessary to make presentations in front of your audience. So, that is  good for this reason that you know abouth the importance of having good and effective presentation content in your hand. These interactive presentations and slides shows apps and website to give the tools to make their works so interesting, and an interactive explanation.

The presentation tools is used in the area of business, education, conferences, conversational presenting and this tools will probably help you to keep your audience entertained. Therefore, remember that here you can use images, videos, audio clips, and animation and more that will help you to be a good presentation.

What is the best? Well, they all have key advantages and disadvantages so that is your decision what is the best suits that you needs. The most important is how you use them and what do you do with them.

In the presentation tools can be used by teachers and students to create and share information in online spaces in that you can use the visual aids and audio aids that are a supplemental tools to enhance presentation.

Some of the techniques are: that you can use visual and audio aids, the body language, know what slides is coming next. And, some of the characteristics are: accurate in every aspect, portable, meaningful and motivational for the audience.

In other hands exist the advantages and disadvantages of the presentation tools, in the advantages  we have: the presentation are easy to edit, excellent to summarize facts, the multimedia can easily be added to the presentation, it permit to the audience to see and display the information immediately, it help to the audience remember the information explained. 

In the disadvantages we have: many errors appear occurs during the preparation, you need a long time for the preparation of the slides, it create a distraction because sometimes the people look the images and do not pay attention to the   explanation of the speech, in some occasion when pass the information slide by slide so fast the audience do not have the opportunity to take notes while the presentation is taking place, and the graphics are uninteresting because here you only can see numbers and numbers that is so bored for the audience.

 Also, you can use some of the free presentation software, such as: the Slide Rocket it is a portal that can help you to create beautiful ppt presentations, assessments, and it is a complete system of engagement for sales, marketing and customers support.

 The second one software presentation is the Prezi it has a unique format for presenting ideas, is to easy  to use interface, in the education, conferences, business, and conversational presenting.

 The next is the PowToon it is platform in which you can create your differents videos, and slide shows this application is about the animated presentation and here you can has an interesting presentation for your audience. 

The Google Drive here you can use this program that is file storage of synchronization service developed by Google, this program is good for the education because it is free online presentation in that you ca be accessed from any computer for present the speech or editing the slides; the next is the PowToon it is a platform in that you can create animated presentation and animated videos and slide shows for free.

 finally, is the 280 Slides it is a free application in that you can create slides presentations in which you can accessed from any where and is to easy to share with anyone who has Internet access, you can add photos to create your slide presentation, here you have the opportunity to make a professional presentations.

When you use a presentation tools you need have present some recommendation such as: keep color of the slides, is better use soft colors in the background and use dark color by the letter, use audio and video to increase the interesting of the audience, you can add examples of real life to emphasizes the content of your speech, remember add the references and resources in every presentation that you expose because it is a clear form to inform at the audience about where is the website that you using  for the presentation, limit the amount of time spent in each slide because if it is so slow and the audience begin to get distracted and bored.

In summary, the presentation tools is a good manner to make your slides and are a powerful if you use it correctly.

Besides that, research are required in order to do any presentation and what better is the technology and teaching strategy for you. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It was interesting to know these tools, which for me were unknown. It is important to know its usefulness and learn the correct use, to put into practice now as a student, and even more in the future that is doing to innovate making classes more technological and interactive.
    I liked using powtoon in the workshop, it was super fun.

  3. It was interesting to know these tools, which for me were unknown. It is important to know its usefulness and learn the correct use, to put into practice now as a student, and even more in the future that is doing to innovate making classes more technological and interactive.
    I liked using powtoon in the workshop, it was super fun.


  4. Presentation tools are interesting because it is something new and innovative. With this tool I realized that not only you can use power point to create presentations there are several tools like powtoon, slide rocket, google drive and 280 slides.
    So now I will take into account these presentation tools to create my presentations.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Very insteresting and informative post! It's good to know that besides the old and kinda boring PowerPoint there are other tools we can use to make any kind of presentation more interesting and original, they are very easy to use and the best part is ttaht they are totally free and don’t require any download!
